KPMG Canada announces Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan

13 October 2022

KPMG Canada has announced a multi-year strategy to advance reconciliation by fostering strong relationships with Indigenous communities and businesses.

The accounting and consulting firm’s Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan commits significant resources and investments to create sustainable economic and social benefits for Indigenous people.

Aligned with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s call to action 92 (Business and Reconciliation), KPMG’s plan has numerous action items, which will be tracked by key performance indicators (KPIs) and annual progress reports, the firm said in a press release.

“This is a wide-ranging strategy that seeks to raise awareness of the truth about the shared history of our country, build allyship and help create a more inclusive culture by breaking down barriers for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. Everyone at KPMG in Canada will have a stake in the success of the Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan, and it touches all parts of the firm," said Elio Luongo, CEO and senior partner of KPMG in Canada and co-chair of the firm's inclusion, diversity, and equity council.

The plan was developed in consultation with various stakeholders, including KPMG’s National Indigenous Peoples Network (NIPN), Indigenous clients and communities, and Acosys, an Indigenous owned and led consulting firm.

KPMG Canada announces Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan

"In developing our action plan, we took the time to engage Indigenous stakeholders and include diverse voices and perspectives to help this plan move forward in a genuinely respectful way," said Tammy Brown, deputy chair of the board of directors at KPMG in Canada, partner sponsor of KPMG’s NIPN, and a member of the Shawanaga First Nation.

KPMG’s plan has three pillars:

“Advancing an equitable and inclusive culture” that removes barriers and enables Indigenous people to achieve their professional goals. This includes boosting recruitment and hiring of Indigenous people – with a goal of more than doubled representation firmwide by 2025 – and enhancing support of existing educational programs that assist Indigenous people, including internships and scholarships.

“Building Allyship” with Indigenous people by raising awareness with clients and corporate Canada and inspiring actions towards reconciliation. This pillar includes establishing a governance structure and Indigenous advisory council to ensure accountability as well as creating training for teams and senior leadership to understand Indigenous cultures and reconciliation.

“Being a trusted and active contributor to Indigenous development and empowerment” by engaging and collaborating with Indigenous communities and organizations to create sustainable economic and social benefits. Actions include broadening support for national and local Indigenous-led initiatives and activities; supporting organizations that provide skills-based training, mentorship, and development; and committing annual recurring funding to Indigenous organizations.

“Every opportunity that helps Indigenous Peoples, communities, and businesses thrive economically and socially is a step forward for Canada's reconciliation journey. While we're not the first major Canadian organization to implement a Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan, we certainly hope – and in fact we are confident - that we won't be the last either," said Rob Davis, chair of the board of directors and chief inclusion, diversity, and equity officer at KPMG Canada.

The firm on September 30 closed its offices to observe National Day for Truth and Reconciliation for the second year in a row, providing resources for employees to learn about the ongoing legacy of residential schools and to reflect on advancing reconciliation.

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